MESH Programme 2019 - 2020 (full season)
MESH presentations are held on the second Thursday of every month with the exception of August (summer break), starting at 2:00pm and finishing at 4:00pm. Meetings may include updates by an HSE representative, a local Environmental Health Officer or other agencies or individuals as appropriate to update the membership of forthcoming new legislation, guidance or best practice which may affect you and your business.
Specialised excursions and events are arranged on a random basis and additional to the regular monthly presentations, these are not included in the annual subscription cost.
Members may request specific subjects to be considered for inclusion in the programme. Please use the forum area or contact the programme co-ordinator with your ideas.
MESH is recognised by IOSH & RoSPA for CPD points and provides excellent networking opportunities with professional's from many specialised backgrounds.
Prospective members are welcome to attend a presentation prior to joining please contact the secretary for details and to book a place.